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7 Top Reasons Why Cats Are The Best Pets

Before I start answering the question of why cats are the best pets, let me clarify that this is not a comparison between cats and dogs; everyone prefers one or the other, or even both. I’m expressing my opinion about why cats are the best pets, even if I enjoy and like to have both.  

Have you ever thought about why cats are the best pets? It’s clear that cats offer more than just company. They can form strong emotional bonds and even know and respond to their owner’s voices. Their loving behaviors, like purring, head-butting, and kneading, are heartwarming. This shows that the bond between people and cats is truly unique. It’s clear why cats are the best pets; this bond makes you happy and helps your mental health.

This article will discuss the benefits of owning a cat and why these lovely animals are so beloved. Allow me to clarify the reasons why cats are the best pets.

Cats Love Their Humans Just as Much as Dogs Do

Before diving into the topic and trying to convince you why cats are the best pets, let’s discuss some amazing information. Cats’ actions frequently show how attached they are to their human caretakers. Cats may not be as showy with their affection as dogs, but the depth of their quiet love is just as great. Many studies have demonstrated that cats develop strong bonds with their owners. One such study was carried out by Oregon State University. Indicative of their level of trust and comfort, cats display actions that reflect their attachments, such as balancing their focus between exploring their environment and staying close to their caregiver.

Securely attached cats exhibit fewer stress symptoms than insecurely attached cats, which might manifest as clinginess or avoidance behaviors. This proves that cats, like dogs and humans, experience various attachment types that impact their relationships with their human families.

Related Read: Does My Cat Care About Me? 3 Surprising Signs

In addition, when cats interact with the people they love, they can feel and show good feelings like joy and happiness. Behaviors such as purring, nestling on laps, and welcoming owners at the door indicate the strong bond they share with their owners. Although it’s often believed that cats are cold and distant, the reality is that cats build deep relationships with their owners and are there for them through thick and thin. This leads us to ask why cats are the best pets.

why cats are the best pets - cat with woman
Photo by @Sam Lion

The relationship between cats and their owners is built on a foundation of mutual care and understanding, proving that cats love their humans just as much as dogs do, albeit in their own unique and sometimes more subtle ways.

Why Cats Are The Best Pets Ever? – Here’s The Reason!

Cats capture our hearts and significantly benefit our health and well-being. Here’s a closer look at why cats are the best pets:

1. Cats Are Clean Pets

Being very clean is the first reason why cats are the best pets for people. Cats are thought to be clean for the following main reasons:

  1. Self-Grooming: From a young age, kittens learn to groom themselves, a habit they carry into adulthood. They spend up to 50% of their waking hours grooming. This not only keeps their fur clean but also aids in relaxation.
  2. Litter Box Use: Unlike dogs, cats instinctively use a litter box for their needs, simplifying maintaining home cleanliness. Regular litter box maintenance ensures that this habit remains hygienic.
  3. Natural Cleanliness: Cats’ saliva is naturally antibacterial, keeping their fur smelling fresh without needing frequent baths. Their grooming habits help them remove dirt and parasites, maintaining their cleanliness with minimal human intervention.
  4. Less Mess: Cats generally do not bring as much outdoor dirt into the home as dogs might due to their nature of spending more time indoors and their fastidious grooming habits.
  5. Health and Hygiene: Regular grooming helps cats prevent the buildup of oils and potential skin issues, promoting better overall health and reducing the spread of allergens in your home.

2. Cats Don’t Make Noise

why cats are the best pets - quiet cat

Another reason why cats are the best pets is they are known for being quiet, which makes them the best pets for a wide range of living situations, from busy city flats to quiet homes in the suburbs. This is why their silence is so beautiful:

  1. Inherent Quietness: Cats typically do not make loud noises. Unlike dogs, they do not bark, howl, or make disruptive sounds that might disturb the peace of your home or your neighbors.
  2. Ideal for Apartments: Cats are ideal for apartment living due to their quiet demeanor. They make the most of small spaces without adding noise, which is often a significant concern in close living quarters.
  3. Subtle Communication: Cats communicate primarily through non-verbal cues, and when they do vocalize, it’s often through soft meows and purrs that are much less intrusive than the barking of a dog.
  4. Evolutionary Trait: Biologically, cats have evolved to be stealthy, contributing to their quiet nature. This trait was crucial for hunting in their ancestors and goes a long way in explaining their composed demeanor.
  5. Stress-Free Environment: Their quietness contributes to a more tranquil home environment. This can be particularly beneficial in reducing stress and creating a calm living space.
  6. Less Neighborhood Disruption: Cats are less likely to cause disturbances, making them ideal for community living where noise can be an issue.

3. Cats Don’t Need To Go Outside

Cats can stay indoors all day, which is why cats are the best pets. Cats are naturally independent and can thrive in an indoor environment without the need to go outside. Here’s how they manage to stay happy and healthy inside your home:

  1. Indoor Safety: Cats can live safely indoors, away from the dangers of traffic, predators, and diseases that outdoor cats might encounter. This safety contributes to their longer lifespan and reduces veterinary costs related to outdoor injuries or illnesses.
  2. Self-Entertainment: Cats possess a unique ability to entertain themselves with various activities around the house. They explore different corners, climb furniture, and play with toys, which keeps them physically active and mentally stimulated.
  3. Litter Box Training: Unlike dogs, cats use a litter box for bathroom use. This natural instinct makes it unnecessary for them to go outside, simplifying pet management for owners living in apartments or without immediate outdoor access.
  4. Window Watching: Providing a window seat allows cats to observe the outdoors safely. This not only entertains them but also satisfies their curiosity about the outside world without any associated risks.
  5. Interactive Play: Engaging in interactive play sessions with toys like lasers and feather wands can fulfill their exercise needs and mimic the hunting experiences they might seek outdoors.
  6. Enrichment Opportunities: Setting up cat trees, scratching posts, and perches enhances their living environment. These additions offer vertical spaces for climbing and resting, closely mimicking an outdoor setting.
  7. Controlled Outdoor Access: For those who prefer to let their cats experience the outdoors, options like leash training or building a catio provide controlled and safe outdoor access, ensuring they get fresh air without the risks.

4. Cats Cost Less Than Dogs

Another reason that has an impact on why cats are the best pets is that People often think that cats are more economical to care for than dogs, especially when it comes to medium or big breeds. Here are some of the ways that cats usually save money:

  1. Initial and Ongoing Costs: The initial cost for a cat can range from $125 to $635, significantly lower than for dogs, which can range from $197 to $1,090. Cat owners might spend around $1,125 annually, whereas dog owners could expect to pay about $1,641. This includes food, toys, and grooming costs, which are inherently lower for cats.
  2. Veterinary Expenses: Cats typically incur fewer veterinary expenses. Regular check-ups and the occasional treatment accumulate less cost over time compared to dogs. This is partly because cats are less prone to some of the genetic disorders that can affect dogs, especially larger breeds.
  3. Food and Maintenance: Cats require less food and generally do not need special diets or expensive treats. Their self-grooming behavior also reduces the need for professional grooming services, which can be quite costly for dog owners.
  4. Insurance and Emergency Costs: While it’s wise to insure your pet or set aside funds for emergency health care, the premiums and overall costs for cats are usually lower. This is due to their lower risk and less frequent need for acute medical care.
  5. Adoption and Purchase Costs: Adoption fees for cats can range from $30 to $300, which is more affordable compared to dogs whose adoption fees can be between $100 and $700. Purchasing from a breeder can be even more costly, with dogs priced between $1000 and $3000, while cats generally range from $300 to $1000.
  6. Additional Expenses: Cats are less likely to disrupt routines or require changes that could lead to lost income opportunities. They also adapt well to smaller living spaces, which can save on housing costs.
  7. Lifestyle Flexibility: If provided with enough food and water, cats can often be left alone for a day or two, reducing the need for costly pet sitters or boarding, which is typically more expensive for dogs.

Do you start getting why cats are the best pets?

5. Cats Don’t Need Much Care

Cats are often praised for being easy to care for, making them the best pets for people who want to spend less time on their pets daily. Cats are the best pets because they are easy to take care of:

  1. Self-Cleaning: Cats are naturally clean animals. They spend a significant portion of their day grooming themselves, which keeps their coat clean and reduces the need for regular baths.
  2. Litter Training: Kittens typically learn to use the litter box early. This instinct makes house training straightforward and less time-consuming compared to other pets.
  3. Health Maintenance: Regular vet visits and vaccinations are essential, but cats generally have fewer health issues than dogs. Annual check-ups are usually sufficient to keep them healthy.
  4. Feeding: Cats require a simple diet, mainly consisting of high-quality commercial cat food. Unlike dogs, they usually self-regulate their eating so that you can leave food out for them without worry.
  5. Independence: Cats are independent creatures who can entertain themselves. They don’t require constant attention and are perfectly content being alone for periods of the day.
  6. Minimal Grooming: Apart from the occasional brush, especially for long-haired breeds, cats do not often need professional grooming.
  7. Scratching Needs: Providing a scratching post can easily satisfy their scratching instincts, protect your furniture, and keep their claws in good shape.

6. Cats Have a Positive Impact On Health

Cats not only make our lives more fun and enjoyable, but they are also very good for our health and can make us feel better overall. This is probably the most important reason why cats are the best pets. Having a cat can be good for your health in these ways:

  1. Stress Reduction: Cats are known for their calming presence. Simply petting a cat can release endorphins in the brain, reducing stress and promoting relaxation.
  2. Heart Health: Studies suggest that cat owners may have a lower risk of heart attacks and strokes. The calming effect of cats, along with the lower stress levels they help foster, contributes to better cardiovascular health.
  3. Improved Sleep: Many people find that sharing their home with a cat improves their sleep quality. Cats are creatures of comfort, and their rhythmic purring and warmth can be soothing at bedtime.
  4. Mental Health Benefits: Cats can help reduce feelings of loneliness and depression. Their need for interaction and affection fosters a sense of responsibility and purpose for their owners.
  5. Lower Allergy Risk in Children: Early exposure to cats can help children develop immunity to allergens, reducing the risk of asthma and allergies.
  6. Increased Physical Activity: Although cats are often low-maintenance, interactive play can encourage physical activity, which is beneficial for overall health.
  7. Therapeutic Effects: Cats are often used in therapy to assist individuals with various health issues, including mental health disorders and chronic illnesses, due to their ability to provide comfort and reduce anxiety.

7. Cats Live a Long Time – You See Why Cats Are The Best Pets Ever!

The last reason why cats are the best pets is they are known for living very long lives, which is a big plus for anyone looking for a long-term friend. Here’s a thorough look at how long cats live and the things that make them live so long:

Average Lifespan

why cats are the best pets - cat lifespan illustration

One cat can live for anywhere from 13 to 20 years. Many cats live longer than this average, and house cats often live into their early twenties. The oldest cat is known to have lived for an amazing 38 years.

This section is not only about the reasons why cats are the best pets. We’ll also discuss what affects a cat’s lifespan and how to extend it.

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Factors Influencing Longevity

  1. Indoor Living: Cats kept indoors tend to live longer than their outdoor counterparts due to reduced risks of accidents and disease exposure.
  2. Veterinary Care: Regular check-ups and prompt medical attention for illnesses significantly extend a cat’s life.
  3. Nutrition: A balanced diet tailored to age, health, and lifestyle helps maintain optimal health.
  4. Genetics: Mixed-breed cats often live longer than purebreds, likely due to a broader genetic pool that reduces the risk of inherited diseases.
  5. Exercise: Regular play keeps cats physically and mentally stimulated, which is crucial for their overall well-being.

Enhancing Cat Longevity

  • Routine Veterinary Visits: Ensuring your cat receives regular health checks and vaccinations.
  • Proper Nutrition: Feeding a high-quality diet suited to their specific health needs.
  • Safe Environment: Keeping your cat indoors or providing a safe outdoor enclosure.
  • Mental and Physical Stimulation: Engaging your cat in activities that stimulate their minds and bodies.


  1. Cats Are Clean Pets
  2. Cats don’t make noise
  3. Cats don’t need to go outside
  4. Cats Cost Less Than Dogs
  5. Cats don’t need much care
  6. Cats have a positive impact on health
  7. Cats live a long time

Final Words

We’ve looked at all the different reasons why cats are the best pets. They are not only the silent guardians of our homes but also the quiet healers of our hearts. Cats are a great example of nature’s wisdom because they have an unmatched ability to make us feel better and reduce stress. They also have an unfathomably strong bond with people.

When you look into why cats are the best pets, you find out more than just how well they can adapt and do in our homes. It lets us see into the depths of their hearts and the unique ways they improve our lives. As we move forward, let us remember why cats are the best pets and how valuable these quiet friends are, not just for the comfort they bring but also for the many other ways they improve our lives.

Finally, I hope this piece has shown you why cats are the best pets. Thanks for reading and your help. See you next time.

FAQS About Why Cats Are The Best Pets

Are Cats The Perfect Pet?

Why cats are the best pets? Unlike certain other pets, cats are self-sufficient and capable of amusing themselves, thus requiring less constant supervision. Their lively and inquisitive personalities can offer their owners happiness and company without needing continuous care. Moreover, cats are low-maintenance pets for people with heavy schedules because of their reputation for hygiene and grooming habits.

How Are Cats Better Pets?

Cats are wonderful companions because of their one-of-a-kind habits and character traits. They create deep attachments with their owners and are there for them emotionally and socially. Cats are great companions for mental health because their owners report less tension and anxiety when they are around them and because their purrs are comforting, so this is why cats are the best pets.

Why Are Cats So Special?

Cats are special pets because of their mysterious and enigmatic nature. They have a sense of independence that sets them apart from other animals, allowing them to make their own decisions and show their unique personalities. Cats are also incredibly adaptable creatures, thriving in various living environments, from small apartments to larger homes. Their playful antics, graceful movements, and expressive behaviors are great reasons why cats are the best pets.

Abdellah E

Hi, my name is Abdellah E, I am a cat behaviour consultant, cat shelter owner and I’m here to share my passion and knowledge about one of the most wonderful creatures on our planet, cats.

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