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Cooked Cat Food: 3 Healthy and Tasty Recipes

As we learn more about cat nutrition, the discussion about the best-cooked cat food for our furry friends starts up again with a bang. We now know how important a well-balanced diet is, which gets us to cooked cat food. Customized homemade food for your cat can improve their health and increase the bond between you and them. We’ll talk about the benefits and basics of a healthy cat diet and show you how to make tasty, home-cooked meals that are the best for your cat’s health.

In today’s article, we will cover the most important parts of cooked cat food, from the benefits of home-cooked meals that can’t be denied to the important nutrients in every serving. For cats that like various foods, from chicken and rice to cooked rabbit, poultry, and even seafood blends, we’ve put together step-by-step recipes that are both healthy and delicious. We’ll also talk about common mistakes you should avoid so that your efforts in cat nutrition are both good and rewarding. Come on to this cooking adventure designed to feed and make our cats happy and healthy.

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Benefits of Homemade Cooked Cat Food

When we look into the benefits of homemade cooked cat food, we find many benefits to our cats’ health and happiness. Let’s look at some of the most important benefits:

Nutritional Control

When we make food for our cat at home, we have full power over what goes into it. We can be sure that the diet has no added colors, tastes, or preservatives. You are free to choose whether you want your cat to eat grain-free food or food made with organic ingredients. This control is very important, especially for cats with special dietary needs or sensitive to certain foods. We can greatly improve their general health by making sure the food fits our cat’s tastes and health needs.

Related Read: Low Residue Diet for Cats

Avoiding Allergens

Many cats have food allergies or intolerances that can make them sick and uncomfortable. When we make our own cooked cat food, we can remove common allergens from their diet. We can make a meal plan that doesn’t include grains and instead focuses on other healthy foods if our cat is allergic to them. This may help ease signs like scratching too much, sneezing, or watery eyes, making the cat happier and healthier.

Better Digestion

cooked cat food -  cat eating food
Image by David Yu

Kittens with sensitive guts may do better with homemade cooked cat food. Eating natural, high-quality proteins and other nutrients instead of processed ones can help our cat’s stomach. Cooked cat food is also usually fresher than store-bought food, which can help the body process and absorb nutrients even more. In addition to helping cats stay at a healthy weight, this method also helps them keep their lean muscle mass, which makes them healthier overall.

By following these steps, we respect our cats’ food tastes and ensure they are getting food that is good for their health and helps them live longer. Carefully choosing the products and how they are made can make a big difference in the lives of our cats.

Essential Nutrients for Cooked Cat Food

Proteins are important for a cat’s health because they build muscle, skin, and other body parts. Cats need to eat a lot of protein, mostly from animal sources, because these proteins give their bodies the necessary amino acids. It’s important to have these amino acids. For example, cats can get sick if they don’t get enough taurine, which is good for their eyes and heart. You should give them different kinds of meat to ensure they get all the amino acids they need, especially Taurine, because cats can’t make it on their own.


Fats are the most concentrated source of energy in a cat’s diet. They are also necessary for many bodily processes, such as absorbing certain vitamins and keeping the skin and coat healthy. To help wounds heal and reduce swelling, they must eat foods containing essential fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6. Foods for cats often have good fats from sources like salmon, chicken liver, or beef fat.

Vitamins and Minerals

Cats can make some vitamins and minerals from their food but need extra nutrients to ensure a healthy diet. Vitamins B-complex, E, and D are very important for the health and performance of enzymes. To prevent health problems, minerals like calcium and phosphorus must be carefully adjusted, especially in home-cooked meals. Sometimes, a vitamin supplement must be added to cat food to get the right nutrients.


Water is one of the most important cat nutrients that people often forget. Cats don’t have a strong thirst drive; in the past, they got most of their water from the animals they feed on. A lot of the time, cats that are fed dry food don’t drink enough water. This can cause them to become dehydrated, which can cause health problems like kidney disease and problems with their urinary system. Providing a diet high in water-containing foods, like wet foods or adding water to dry foods, is important for staying hydrated and supporting health in general.

We can ensure our cats stay healthy, active, and alive for a long time by learning and giving them these important nutrients. Ensuring they get the right amount of water, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients is good for their health and gives them daily energy and happiness.

Related Read: Bland Diet For Cats

Cooked Cat Food: Chicken and Rice Recipe

cooked cat food chicken and rice recipe

Ingredients Needed

  • Chicken: Opt for fresh, human-grade chicken breast, deskinned, deboned, and chopped into bite-sized chunks.
  • Rice: White rice is preferred as it’s easier for cats to digest. Ensure it’s well-rinsed before cooking.
  • Water: Use filtered or spring water for cooking.

Preparation Steps

  1. Start with the Chicken: Bring the chicken to a boil in a big pot with enough water to cover it. For every 100 grams of chicken, make sure there are 300 milliliters of water. Boil it for about 30 minutes or until the chicken is fully cooked.
  2. Cook the Rice: Put the washed rice in a different pot and cover it with twice as much water. Once it starts to boil, lower the heat and let it cook for about 15 to 20 minutes, or until the rice is soft and the water is absorbed.
  3. Combine Ingredients: Once the rice and chicken are both done if there is too much water in the chicken, drain it. Equal parts of chicken and rice should be mixed together. This mixing ensures your cat gets the right amount of protein and carbs.
  4. Enhance with Nutrients: To make this meal full, you might want to add some important nutrients. Add a meal booster approved by a vet and contains taurine and other important amino acids to help the heart work well. This is a very important step because cats have special dietary needs that can’t be met by chicken and rice alone.

Serving and Storage Tips

  • Serving: Make sure the chicken and rice mix is cool before serving it so your mouth doesn’t get burned. It tastes best when served warm.
  • Storage: Cooked cat food stored in sealed containers can stay cold for up to two days. Divide the food into portions and freeze them to keep it for longer. It will stay frozen for three months at a time. Always let it thaw overnight in the fridge and warm it before serving.

By following these steps, we can make a simple, healthy meal for our cats that will not only please their taste buds but also give them the nutrients they need to live a long and healthy life. Remember, you should always talk to your vet before giving your cat any new food to ensure it will be good for its health.

Cooked Cat Food: Rabbit and Poultry

cooked cat food rabbit and poultry

List of Ingredients

We can use the following to make a healthy meal for cats with dietary issues like Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD):

  • Rabbit Meat: Boneless and skinless, ideal for cats with IBD.
  • Chicken/Turkey Thighs: Include both meat and skin for added fat, which is crucial for absorbing certain vitamins.
  • Liver (Optional): If your cat can tolerate it, adding rabbit liver can enhance the nutrient profile.
  • Supplements: A balanced mix such as Balance IT Carnivore to ensure all essential nutrients are included.

Detailed Cooking Instructions

  1. Prepare the Meat: First, if the rabbit and chicken meat are cold, let them thaw. To keep the rabbit’s wetness, it’s best to cook it slowly. If you want to make the meat easy to digest and blend, you can cook it in a little water.
  2. Mix Ingredients: Ground the cooked rabbit and raw chicken/turkey thighs. If using liver, it should also be ground to ensure even distribution throughout the meal.
  3. Add Supplements: Mix the vitamins and minerals with water to make a pill slurry. After that, this combination should be mixed well with the meat.
  4. Create Portions: After mixing the food, put it into the right-sized dishes for a meal. This makes it easy to feed them daily and ensures that each serving has the right amount of nutrients.

Storage Guidelines

  • Freezing: It’s very important to store cooked food the right way. Freezing the portioned meals keeps the food fresh for longer without losing its nutritional value. Remember that rabbit and chicken are lean foods; freezing them can help them stay fresh longer.
  • Thawing: Let the meals thaw in the fridge overnight before you’re ready to serve them. If you want to keep the nutrients intact and avoid hot places that could hurt your cat, don’t throw the food in the microwave.
  • Refrigeration: If you’d rather not, you can put the cooked food in the fridge instead of freezing it. Ensure you use it within 48 to 72 hours to keep the health benefits and freshness.

By following these steps, we ensure our cats get a portion of food that meets their health needs and matches their taste buds. Ask your vet for more advice on customizing the cooked cat food, especially for cats with health problems like IBD.

Cooked Cat Food: Fish & Beef Recipe

cooked cat food fish & beef recipe

Required Ingredients

To make a tasty meal that your cat will love, you’ll need:

  • Pacific Whiting: Known for its mild flavor and tender texture.
  • Beef (with ground bone): Provides essential proteins and minerals.
  • Organic Vegetables: Including kale, carrots, and squash for fiber and vitamins.
  • Supplements: include taurine for heart health and fish oil for omega-3 fatty acids.

Cooking Method

  1. Prepare the Fish and Beef: Start cooking the Pacific Whiting and beef slowly. Ensure the meat is well-cooked to avoid any health risks, and the fish is well-cooked to eliminate any dangerous pathogens.
  2. Mix with Vegetables: The kale, carrots, and squash should be steamed until soft but not mushy. This keeps the nutrients in them and makes them easy for your cat to digest.
  3. Combine Ingredients: Mix the cooked fish, beef, and vegetables together in a big bowl. Ensure the blend is even so your cat doesn’t get any nutritional imbalances.
  4. Add Supplements, such as taurine and fish oil: Add the supplements you need. This step is very important to ensure your cooked cat food meets your pet’s nutritional needs.

Storage and Serving Instructions

  • Portioning: Use food-grade silicone baking pans to divide the food into serving-sized pieces. Once the cat food is frozen, these shapes make it easy to remove the pieces. They are also a clean way to handle the food.
  • Freezing: Get the silicone models out of the way and freeze them. Once the pieces are frozen, put them in a freezer bag or a container that can be used repeatedly. This way of doing things helps keep the cooked cat food fresh and full of nutrients.
  • Thawing and Serving: Thaw a piece in the fridge overnight before you’re ready to serve it. Ensure the food is at room temperature so your cat can safely eat it. Always throw away food that hasn’t been eaten within 30 minutes to keep things clean.

By doing these simple steps, we can make cooked cat food, a nutrient-rich supper that pleases our cats’ palates and promotes their overall health and energy. Remember, especially if your cat has health issues, it’s imperative to speak with a veterinarian to ensure this dish satisfies their unique dietary needs.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

We start making cooked cat food to give our pet friends the best. Unfortunately, it’s easy to make mistakes that can lower the nutritional value of the meals we work so hard to make, even when we mean well. Don’t make these important mistakes:

Overcooking the Meat

It seems easy to cook meat for our cats, but there’s a thin line between cooked enough and too much. Many nutrients can be lost when food is overcooked, especially the proteins and amino acids cats need. For example, cooking meat on low heat for too long can get too soft and lose important nutrients for our cat’s health. They should only be able to process the meat when it’s smooth enough, which shouldn’t take more than a few hours. Remember that the goal is to keep as many nutrients as possible in the food while making it safe and tasty for our cats.

Not Including Necessary Supplements

Making food from scratch for our cat gives us more control over what it eats, but it could leave it lacking nutrients if it’s not done right. Many recipes for cooked cat food don’t have the right amount of minerals, vitamins, and amino acids. It’s important to know that cats need certain nutrients that may not always be available in meat alone.

For instance, cats need taurine, an important amino acid mostly found in animal meat, but cooking it can break it down. To ensure that our cooked meals meet our cats’ nutritional needs, we must add a balanced supplement like EZcomplete Fur Cats after the food has cooled. Also, it’s important to add or recover the cooking water or pan drippings because they have vitamins and minerals that are very important.

We’re not just filling their bowls; we’re also improving their health and energy by not making these common mistakes and being very careful about how we cook and what nutrients we add to the cooked cat food. Remember that talking to a pet nutritionist or a vet can give us great advice and help ensure that our home remedies work as well as they should.


By learning how to make homemade cooked cat food, we’ve gone from learning about the basics of cat nutrition to trying out recipes that promise to feed our cats and make their lives better. We care about our cats’ health and happiness, so we ensure they have a balanced meal with just the right amount of proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Taking on the duty of cooking for them builds a special bond and shows us the way to their health while we watch over them. To us, it’s important that at the heart of what we do is not just eating but also caring for.

As we come to a close, let’s remember the lessons we’ve learned and recognize that every step they take in making their meals is an effort to make them healthier and live longer. It is impossible to overstate how important cooked cat food full of love and care is. It’s more than just food; it’s the essence of friendship and health. Let this guide us, encouraging us to learn more about and explore the topic of cat nutrition so that our beloved cats don’t just live but thrive. Our feline friends will live longer and healthier lives thanks to the trip that starts here and continues with every meal made and balanced in nutrients.

Abdellah E

Hi, my name is Abdellah E, I am a cat behaviour consultant, cat shelter owner and I’m here to share my passion and knowledge about one of the most wonderful creatures on our planet, cats.

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